
Arkham sanitarium
Arkham sanitarium

The Sanitarium Letterheads are used for all official correspondence. The sanitarium charges $110 per month normally, but additional charges may accrue if spe-cial treatments are required. The Invoice is the bill the players get after being "cured." This kind of attention isn't free, you know, and they did use money back then. Anybody who uses a gun will be pursued by the police. They should also surrender any weapons, but the sanitarium staff assume that most visitors are polite enough not to carry guns around.

arkham sanitarium

Arkham sanitarium registration#

Visitor Registration forms are kept at the receptionist's desk and everyone who walks in must sign the document. Patients may be trans-ferred from the Larkin Institute or even St. In the case of peo-ple being transferred to the sanitarium, Arkham Sanitarium is listed as the receiving facility. A Patient Transfer form is kept on file when someone is transferred to or from the sanitarium. These forms would normally be clipped to a board and attached to the bed, but they are now kept at the nurse's station since many patients became distressed after reading the form. Depending on the severity of the condition, a new entry may be made as often as every quarter hour. The Patient Record is recorded by nurses. Additional sheets of regular notebook paper may be used for lengthy explanations and case histories. The Ink Blots may be attached to the form, and may have additional comments written on the reverse side. The Psychological Profile is the doctor's opinions of the investigators' ravings of otherworldly horrors. The difference is that voluntary patients may leave whenever they want, and those who were committed are released on the doctors' orders only. The Inpatient Admission form is used for those who walk in from the street as well as those committed to the sanitarium by the court (check the appropriate box).

arkham sanitarium

Most forms that deal with Arkham Sanitarium are self-explanatory in their function, but are described in brief below. These documents are all centered around Arkham Sanitarium and the related businesses and institu-tions in the small town of Arkham, Massachusetts. Forms include a death certificate (good for any death that occurs in Massachusetts), a psychological profile, a police fin-gerprint form (for when the investigators run afoul of the law), and even a few singularly suggestive ink blots. This supplement is meant to aid the keeper in the creation of such clues for the investigator. An admission form to a local sanitarium can spark an investigation into the life of a deceased inmate, and lead the seeker into realms of unearthly evil. In either case, they generate a large paper trail which others can follow. If they continue on their perilous path, they may eventually be defeated either through total insanity or death. WHILE COMBATING THE FORCES OF THE MYTHOS, INVESTIGATORS ARE OFTEN EXPOSED to hideous horror and blasphemous secrets that drive them into the embrace of insanity.

Arkham sanitarium